Sunday, June 22, 2014

Sunday Funday: Weekly inspiration

SundayHappy Sunday! Unlike most people my two favorite days of the week are Sunday and Monday. Why you ask? Well, because I get to meal prep and plan out my week! DUH! Sundays to me are fresh starts. If you didn't accomplish your goals for last week don't dwell on it because it's time for a fresh start!

Here is an example of what my Sunday to Sunday looks like:
Sunday: Write this lovely blog for you and plan out the week and meal prep...etc!
Monday: Email in my FIRST blog post for the ABS by Allen Schwartz, research for Tuesdays post. Respond back to my emails.
Tuesday: Call Chipotle about my interview this week...and so much more

No need for me to share with you guys the exact details of my week but Sunday is the perfect day to plan this out. Also if you live a busy life (like myself) I would practice meal prepping too just get some plastic containers and plan out what you want to eat for the week. If necessary I'll write a post later on what meal prepping is or how I meal prep.

As the title of this post states I'm going to add a little inspiration to your Sunday that I've found online. I do not take credit for any of these photos so if they're yours feel free to let me know and I'll kindly take them down if you would like.


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Have a wonderful week everyone!


Ashley Nicole.


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