Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Blogger Secret Santa!

Photo Credit: kevin dooley via Compfight cc

Hi my name is Ashley and I am participating in a Blogger Secret Santa this year and a lot of other fun things! Secret Santa is hosted by the amazing Pam over at Hodge Podge Moments (I definitely think you should google her and check her out!). I've always been a huge fan of Secret Santa and loved doing it in elementary school through college. So I'm just as excited to keep it going after!

The first thing I'm supposed to do is create a little introductory post about myself. This would have been done yesterday but evening work shifts kill my day schedule but any who here it goes.

Basically my name is Ashley and September through January 1st is my favorite time of year.

My birthday is in September and basically every holiday I love comes during that time frame.

I'm insanely in love with everything holiday related which is why I'm involved in this gift exchange, a blogger holiday card exchange and more.

I love D.I.Y's and D.I.Y. gifts. So if you bake me cookies (without bananas because I'm allergic) I'll eat them most likely because they were homemade.

I'm pretty trusting because well despite all the bad stuff going on in the world I think people are inevitably good we're just afraid to be.

Pastels are my favorite!

Along with glitter and sequins.

Fall/Winter are the two best seasons.

So I love scarves and boot socks.

I work at a clothing store so I love clothes.

But I also love gift cards.

Ihop recently gave me a gift card for a post I wrote because pancakes are amazing.

I hate breakfast food unless it's from Ihop, Dennys or Huckleberry's.

Here is an example of some things I think are amazing!

Christmas Fun

I'm also a big fan of alcohol. I'm 22 so I guess I can be though!

I enjoy reading and think Sex and the City was/is the best show ever made.

I can't walk past Bath and Body works without going in.

2 birthdays in a row I wore animal print dresses because I love animal print.

I'm also obsessed with Target but I love Walmart pillows.

I hate Walmart.

I love yoga.

I love writing.

I'm trying to convince myself to not spend a gazillion dollars on a personalized planner and stationary.


I hope you enjoyed learning a bit about me my Secret Santa friend and I do apologize for this being late. I can't wait to see what amazing gift you come up with for me and I can't wait to send mine an amazing gift as well. On a bonus note to my readers look forward to lots of fun Christmas posts after Thanksgiving after all it is that time of the year (the holiday season that is don't worry I never forget Thanksgiving).

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