Monday, August 18, 2014

Motivational Mondays: Very Inspiring Blogger Award

I'm going to start something new on my blog...attempting to post everyday! I haven't figured out the exact layout for my posts but I can tell you Monday will be dedicated to inspiring and motivating people. I know that a lot of people have a tough time finding the strength to get through the week. That's where my Monday posts will come into play. I plan on motivating you and giving you the strength to get through the week.

I actually wanted this to be my first post when I started blogging again but I also wanted to put some thought and effort into what an inspiring blogger really is before I chose who to nominate. I was nominated by Zoe over at La Vie en Zoe . Basically this award is for a blogger that is considered inspiring. It's a pretty great honor to be nominated!

But anyways here are the rules:

  • Thank and follow the person who nominated you.

  • List 7 facts about yourself.

  • Nominate other bloggers who you find inspiring.

  1. The FACTS 

    1. I live my life according to Sex and the City and the Carrie Diaries. I know I probably shouldn't but I can't help it.
    2. I have naturally really curly hair (not kinky). Like my hair is so curly that it takes 3 hours to wash and flat iron it.
    3. My brother is one of the best coaches I have ever met. He coaches basketball and it's amazing to see how passionate he is.
    4. I am a HUGE spiritualist but I'm not religious.
    5. Food means a lot to me...especially sushi. I absolutely adore sushi.
    6. I minored in writing in college but they weren't my favorite classes.
    7. Cuddling makes the world go round in my opinion.

Here are my nominees:

I love reading other blogs so this wasn't too difficult to find. I tried to choose blogs with bloggers that I've actually interacted with or I believe have wonderful content. In no way are these the only blogs I read there are tons out there. I just felt that these particular ones deserved a little recognition (In no order)!

  1. Ally Pretty Little Lesbian. Ally is an exceptional blogger with an even more amazing story. Recently I was able to write a guest post for her blog which honestly in my opinion is a pretty amazing honor because of her blog. I read her coming out advice and started tearing up (I'm just a big ball of emotions).  But her blog is more than that. It's more than a blog about a lesbian it's an inspiration for anyone trying to overcome anything. So basically check her out!

  2. Nicole The World of My Imagination. I absolutely love Nicole's blog! It's full of so much inspiration when it comes to blogging, writing, or life in general. One of my favorite posts on Nicole's blog is her book reviews. I've always wanted to do a book review but have no idea where to start. So seeing someone as talented as her tackling one of my "dream blog" posts is pretty inspiring in its self.

  3. Tiffany Endless Bliss. Tiffany is another extremely talented and inspiring blogger. She was one of the hosts in this months blogger pj party and from what I can tell (because I attended) she did an amazing job along with the other talented ladies. But about her blog...well it's everything I hope my blog is one day. The layout, organization, even Motivated Mondays. Basically I look up to her blog a lot.

  4. Janae Janae Sais Quoi. I actually know Janae personally and she is one of the most supportive people I have ever met. Not only that but her blog is chopped full of fashion inspiration. Currently she is in the process of making her blog a little more personal but that doesn't mean her taste in fashion has changed. Feel free to check it out!

  5. Sabina Girl Vs. Globe. Sabina contacted me on my blogs Facebook page and after that I instantly fell in love with her blog. I've always wanted to travel the world (and still plan to) but right now it's just not in my budget. So to follow a blog that travels and takes amazing photos along the way makes me feel as if I'm traveling with Sabina. So if you ever wanted to travel the world and need a little inspiration check out Sabina's blog!

  6. Peggy A Soft Howl. Peggy is one of the sweetest bloggers I have ever met. She is constantly commenting on my posts and etc. So I definitely had to post her as an inspiring blogger. Outside of her being super friendly her blog is helpful as well. Peggy is one of the new bloggers on this list but that doesn't mean her blog isn't chopped full inspiring words of wisdom. So check out Peggy's blog too!

  7. Lauren Lauren Paints. I discovered Lauren's blog in one of the many Facebook groups I'm apart of and just instantly fell in love not to mention we have a lot of things in common (our love for mermaids just to mention one). Basically if you're looking for someone whose post's are amazing and you would love to become friends with I would suggest checking out her blog. Hopefully we'll be able to talk with one another more in the future but until than I have no problem finding inspiration for my own posts and life in her blog.

I hope you guys found some new blogs to follow thanks to me and thank you to Zoe for nominating me. Who inspires and what inspires you?


Ashley Nicole.


  1. This is the absolute sweetest thing I've ever read! Thanks so much for nominating me and for your kind words. It literally made my day!

  2. I only speak the truth! Glad I was able to make your day!

  3. Wow, thank you so much for the nomination and kind words! :D

  4. […] Inspirational Mondays: Inspiring Blogger Award Challenge Accepted: Feeling Beautiful Cleaning House Fashion Fridays: Marital Bliss Sunday Funday: VMA’s Wedding […]
