Sunday, August 31, 2014

Sunday Funday: Things I loved this week/Weekly Recap

I hadn't had the opportunity to blog much this week because of school, work, working out (walking), and taking care of my niece. Last week I had scheduled all my blog posts so that I wouldn't need to continuously post but that wasn't the case this week. I didn't get a chance to. So sorry about that guys. I do still plan on keeping the schedule I had previously planned so Motivational Monday-Sunday Funday will still be a real thing.

"Girls" by Charles Dyer is licensed under CC BY 2.0

I had very high expectations for HBO's Girls after all the positive reviews I had heard. Not to mention the numerous amounts of people who have connected Girls to Sex and the City (SATC). If you know me I LOVE SATC it represents everything I hope to be in my 30s/40s. Carrie Bradshaw and Samantha Jones are me in a nutshell or at least I thought that until I saw girlfriends.

If you haven't seen Girls it is a must watch. It was created by Lena Dunham and is pretty heavily influenced by SATC or at least it seems to be. Lena plays Hannah an aspiring writer in her 20s discovering a little bit about herself as each episode passes. Her friendships grow, fall apart and piece their selves back together again the same way all friendships do. The best thing about this show (the major difference between it and SATC) is the sense of realism you gain from watching the show. Yeah occasionally it is a little eccentric (the episode where Lena stays for a couple of days with a completely gorgeous stranger) but that doesn't mean you can relate to the show any less. 

I see myself in Hanna self-conscience and strong. I see myself in Jessa full of pain and wanderlust. I see myself in Marnie falling in love with people's ambitions and careers because stability and self-comfort is beautiful. Lastly I see myself in Shoshanna full of excitement, dreams, and a tad bit naivety. These characters represent every girl in their 20s and the men are just as easily seen in the average guy today.

I have fallen in with a Chris and have met plenty of other male characters on the show throughout my life so far. Basically I can relate to this show a little more than SATC. This bothers me a bit seeing as I have always felt a close connection with SATC and have for years believed I would never find another show that fits my future life so closely. However, Lena Dunham has done it and I have found my role model in her.  

Weekly Recap:

Movie Night: Wedding Vows
Award Season: Liebster Award
Motivational Mondays

Blog posts I loved this week:

Making Comparisons
Country Mint
End of Summer Wish List
8 keys to a long distance relationship
Daily Schedule Free Printable


  1. I am excited that I found this post because I have been thinking about watching Girls, but I never got around to checking it out, and right now I'm on the hunt for a new show to watch! So I will definitely be checking it out!! Also thanks so much for sharing my blog post on here! I really appreciate it! Have a great week!! xoxo

  2. You should definitely give the show a shot! It's takes on an interesting perspective of life today.
    You're also very welcome for listing your blog post. :)
