Friday, September 12, 2014

Fashion Friday: Kim Kardashian Hollywood Edition

Fashion and Kim Kardashian basically go hand in hand which is probably why Kim Kardashian: Hollywood has become so successful. Or more so a prevalent part in my life. I have finally made it to an A list celebrity in Kim Kardashian: Hollywood. Of course my fictional Kim K. boyfriend broke up with me due to our lack of communication (I do have to model and stuff)...but that's alright he was a D list celebrity so I couldn't very well continue to be seen with him am I right?

So by now you can probably tell I am very much obsessed with the Kim Kardashian Game, Kim Kardashian as a person, and would love to be her from an entrepreneurial standpoint. Despite what you say, baby girl has built an empire off of herself (similar to Marilynn Monroe) and dang it that is impressive. No wonder she made GQ woman of the year!

However, that's not what this is about and I don't want to lose you after reading that remark (since I know how many people loath Kim K.) so here are basically my reasons Kim Kardashian: Hollywood is simply the best app for fashionistas.

(That is me and my new boyfriend the sexy venture capitalist boyfriend Marcus Watley please ignore his mandles...)

Hair *life advice

There are so many options for styling your hair and it can actually make a huge impact on your clothes. In the Kim Kardashian game it is beneficial for you to update your wardrobe as you become more successful (just like life). The media (people) watch what you wear and will make decisions, rumors and etc. solely because your outfit looks ridiculous.  So of course this game teaches you to stay ahead of the game by constantly being a trend setter and wearing the "hottest" outfits out. However, you can have the "hottest" outfit and the not so "hottest" hair and the media will still know and critique. That's why it is best to style your hair and then your outfit around it or both at the same time. You can be wearing the prettiest dress in the world but if your hair and make-up look awful it'll be a direct reflection of yourself.


Being somewhat of a stylist now (because technically that's what I do at work...personally style seriously) I understand the importance of using make-up to enhance your natural beauty. Did you key in on that ENHANCE. Not make you beautiful. The Kim Kardashian game yet again teaches every fashionista the importance of this as well. The game allows you to try on different make up so that you can choose which you would prefer to wear. I tend to choose either nude or black for eyeshadow and red or nude for lips. That doesn't mean I don't switch it up every now and then though. Thus making this great practice for the real world! Of course since it is a cell phone game there are not many options for skin color, however mine is pretty spot! So don't underestimate plus if it is a couple of shades off you'll still be able to use the game to decide whether or not a color is for you.

Power Couple *life advice

Behind every great fashionista is a loving supportive cat/dog, glass of wine, or boyfriend. Yes, glasses of wine can be supportive. As the game would show not every boyfriend is going to be super supportive though. But it is still nice to have someone who constantly wants to take your mind off of things and give you some time to relax. Early on in the game it is up to you to take the responsibility to keep in constant contact with your boyfriend which can get tiring and if you don't they want to break-up. As the relationship progresses he'll start contacting you requesting to go on dates and etc. Basically because your busy now he wants to be with you more. Isn't that life?


Shoes are expensive. If you purchase the right pair though you can wear them with any and everything. I don't think I have purchased a single pair of shoes in this game because they're way to expensive but that doesn't mean I haven't been spotted by the media as a best dresser. Why? Well because if your shoes are paired with the right outfit than you are good to go. Remember shoes and clothes go hand in hand. They both have to be able to complement one another and can easily be enhanced with accessories and make-up!


Networking in this game is so important and is actually important in real life. Since this game gives you the option to network with other characters it teaches fashionistas the importance of knowing someone. For example if your ultimate goal as a fashionista is to go into any fashion related field you are going to need people who can back your experience. Without that you won't get very far. Also networking can be important when scoring free merchandise. I know I have definitely gotten free clothes and shoes from just knowing Kim Kardashian in the game (not in real life). So why not use those same networking traits in real life. Have a friend that owns a restaurant? Pitch a fashion show, get the models, free food, and potentially free clothes! I can't think of anything better!

Photo shoots

Everyone likes pictures! Not bathroom selfies but full blown I'm dressing up for a theme pictures. In this game you are always either on the runway or in a fashion shoot. With very little time for yourself. However it ties in all of the skills you've been learning together. If you have a great outfit on then you can receive extra stars that'll help you progress through the game faster. As for networking you're allowed to invite people to your shoots so that you have more options and are able to progress through the game faster (or the shoot). Without all the connections you had before how would you be able to do this successfully. The answer is you wouldn't.


Relationships tie into power couple. The game gives you the option to flirt with as many people as you want to but you can only technically date one of them. This is important for fashionistas to know. Yes there might be plenty of men who try to catch your eye because you're a goddess when it comes to dressing but that doesn't mean you should pursue a relationship with them. Just stick to what you know and I'm sure you'll be fine!


I only have one thing to say about this. Money rules everything around you...


Willow FREAKING Pape is pure evil and I say that in the nicest way possible. Or at least nicer than she could ever say. This game has taught me more about dealing with people who dislike me more than real life. People are going to hate you, start rumors about you, get drunk and be super rude to you and more. However, it is how you deal with them that makes the difference. When you choose to be rude to Willow it has a negative effect on your life. Thus, teaching you the importance of being kind even when it is hard. This is extremely important for all fashion lovers to understand. People aren't always to going like your individual style but it shouldn't matter. As long as you believe you look beautiful you do. After all beauty definitely comes from within.


Lastly have fun. In no way is being a trendsetter meant to wear you out. If you find yourself not getting sleep because you're worried about any of the above calm down and take a deep breath. The reason why I say that this game is the best app for fashionistas is because it's fun and it reminds you how much fun playing dress up really it is.

(Images from Google Play)

You might not be Kim Kardashian or your character in the game but you are a phenomenal person. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

Basically those are all the reasons why this game was made for all you fashionistas out there. Hope you download it and play! If you already download feel free to add me and be my friend on there! The more friends the merrier.


Ashley Nicole

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