Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Woman Crush Wednesday:The Most Popular Girls in School

It's 12pm and my friend randomly posts a video to her Facebook wall with the caption "You're welcome". With nothing else to do I click the video. For rest of the day I become completely consumed. The video and my downward spiral of a fleeting social existence become a reality. I become hooked on a Youtube show but not just any show..."The Most Popular Girls in School".

That's probably how my memoir is going to start when I decide to write it at the lovely age of 47 or at least I think that would be a pretty legit way to start my memoir.

If you haven't watched "The Most Popular Girls in School" on Youtube than I suggest you go on Youtube right now and start watching. If you're anything like me, you'll become completely consumed. You'll begin to binge watch the show and lose complete control over reality. After all Trisha might be equal competition for Tina Belcher in my opinion for greatest character ever thought of. I've probably learned a lot more from Brittney and Trisha this summer than anything.

So what makes "The Most Popular Girls in School" my Women(Woman) Crush Wednesdays? Despite the vulgar language in the show and the outlandish situations they are put in I can't help but learn a lot of from each character and situation. The show discusses the downfalls of revenge, heart-break, single parenting and more. This show is definitely a comedy though don't get confused by the tough issues I suggest that it tackles.

(Seriously though.)

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